Monday 31 July 2023

Our conclusion about the use of renewable energy

Our conclusion about the use of renewable energy

 As we learned, renewable energy is a type of energy that comes from natural resources like the sun, wind, water, and heat from the Earth. It has some really good things about it, but there are also some challenges we need to think about.

 Let's start with the pros about renewable energy. First, it helps us take care of our planet. When we use renewable energy, we don't produce pollution or harmful gases that can make the air dirty and cause problems for plants, animals, and people. This means we can have cleaner air to breathe and keep our environment healthy.

Renewable energy also helps fight climate change. This is when the Earth gets too hot because of too many greenhouse gases in the air. Using renewable energy sources doesn't add more of these gases, so it can help make the earth cooler and prevent big changes in our weather.

 Another great thing about renewable energy is that it won't run out. The sun will keep shining, the wind will keep blowing, and the Earth will keep producing heat. This means we can always count on having these energy sources, unlike fossil fuels like coal and oil, which will eventually run out.

Now let's talk about the cons or the challenges we face with renewable energy. One challenge is that some renewable energy sources, like the sun and wind, are not always available. We can't make the sun shine or the wind blow when we want them to. This means we need to find ways to store the energy they produce for when we need it, like at night or on calm days.

 Another challenge is that building the infrastructure for renewable energy, like solar panels or wind turbines, can be expensive. It takes a lot of money and resources to set up these systems. However, the good news is that as technology improves, the cost is coming down, and more people can afford to use renewable energy.

 In conclusion, renewable energy is a great way to produce clean and unlimited energy from natural resources. It helps protect our planet, fight climate change, and ensure a sustainable future for everyone. While there are challenges to overcome, such as energy storage and costs, we are working on finding solutions. By using renewable energy wisely and making small changes in our daily lives, like saving energy at home, we can all contribute to a healthier and greener world.


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